Teams and Clubs

Ascent Physical Therapy is proud to partner with local teams, clubs and movement communities. We provide education, support and physical therapy care for the members of these organizations. Please reach out if you are part of a local team or club and would like to learn more about how we can support your organization!

Prospect Park Track Club

Ascent Physical Therapy NYC is a proud partner, supporter and sponsor of the Prospect Park Track Club (PPTC).

We are the exclusive physical therapy partnership for the club and sponsor all of the races that they put on. You can also find us thoughout the year at the finish line of many of their races!

“Prospect Park Track Club is an inclusive, open, and diverse group of runners who are dedicated to pushing each other to be the very best that we can be.”

Brooklyn Triathlon Club

Ascent Physical Therapy NYC is a proud partner, supporter and sponsor of the Brooklyn Triathlon Club (BTC). We are the exclusive physical therapy partnership for the club.

“Brooklyn Triathlon Club welcomes members of all backgrounds—from beginners to elites, sprint to Ironman—who are interested in learning, training and racing.”